Grieving the deaths of so many from the corona virus, Plague Years 2020-2021.
Sister Theresa Aletheia Noble wants you to remember you will die. A former punk rocker, Sister Theresa’s practice is life-affirming, not morbid. Remember to give all your being to the life you have, no matter how short or long, no matter able-bodied or not, no matter how old or young.
I remember the stillness
of stifling nights under the Milky Way
on backyard Bermuda grass’s spears
the frogs humming, the
night caul. you said
look to the stars
Your midnight eyes bright with galaxies
you told stories of Venus and Mars and Io, the dead white dwarf giant, flower
of suns,
dense canopies of constellations
planet by dusty planet spilling over
with glory
that lived forever for 24 years, and then
the ice bath in the hospital ward where
they laid you
your cries echoing to
--Judith James